I hope this finds you all well and enjoying this season to the utmost.
Here’s what’s new here, and if you have any questions, just drop a line?

The Roaring Game
Curling in Canada’s early days was an essential component of small community life, one which suited our landscape (and probably the Canadian psyche) well. It is not surprising that we lead the world in this Olympic winter sport. 'The courteous sport'...(website has the rest of the ‘story’)
The original painting is an oil on panel, 12”x 21”approx. There are prints available. Enquiries about the original may be sent here.
Other news
Under the ‘events’ page in Facebook you’ll see ‘The Other Canvas’ — some photos may surface as this painting proceeds. (I try to do a worthy project at least annually and felt this was a great goal, helping to finance a much-needed CT scanner for a rural hospital.) It’s creativity in action! and the ‘unusual canvas’ seems to have intrigued other artists from several disciplines too. (Not at all sure what Brent Butt might come up with, although I'm sure it will be interesting!)
My children’s book, Popsicles For Breakfast—the tonsil book, is now sold out at the publisher. I do have a small quantity on hand for those in need, and have been shipping these as well; the border does not seem to be a problem (between Expresspost and Paypal, the last book made it to Alabama within 5 days and both of us were delighted. But it might be best to order as soon as you know you want one—)
There has been an updo on my website. There are new pages; one has all the miniprints that are available, now grouped together. There are now two different pages for miniatures—paintings over, and under, 10 square inches. (Miniature paintings under 10 square inches are only available as original paintings, not as prints.)
The 2009 show list is on my website (events), and also on the newsletters to come. I've found out how to put colour newsletters, with links, right here on the blog too (the sidebar at right should have both kinds, the introductory one, and the annual update newsletter).
A sabbatical leave will be taken from Art in the Park Stratford for this year; the first ‘away’ show will be the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival in August. (This summer there are plans to take a course or two, do some portfolio work, hopefully extend some of the series through the summer, and to get outside to ‘push paint’.) I hope to be updating here as works are completed.

All for now!
Cheers, Judy
Quotes for the day
Art doesn't have to match the couch. (Penny Pennington)
How important are the visual arts in our society? I feel strongly that the visual arts are of vast and incalculable importance. Of course I could be prejudiced. I am a visual art. (Kermit the Frog)
Art is like frozen music. (6th grade art student)
To an artist, a picture is both a sum of ideas and a blurry memory of "pushing paint," breathing fumes, dripping oils and wiping brushes, smearing and diluting and mixing. (James Elkins)
Artists ought to walk a mile in someone else's pants. That way you're a mile away and you have their pants. (Joseph P. Blodgett)
Art is the demonstration that the ordinary is extraordinary. (Amedee Ozenfant)