Another quick update—
Very nice news in the mail, the award for ‘Best Portrait' from the MASF (Miniature Art Society of Florida).
Blushingly pleased about this, it’s also a major award. MASF hosts the largest miniature exhibition in the world, and usually has over a thousand entries from a dozen or so countries. The competition tends to be very stiff in the portrait category.

The award was for 'Bookworm'.

Cheers, Judy
I dare not forget the quotes
The arts, like language, emerged spontaneously and universally in similar forms across cultures, employing imaginative and intellectual capacities that had clear survival value. ~Denis Dutton
Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing. ~William Shakespeare
Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. ~Buddha
Ultimately, everybody who invests effort on their passions is a winner. ~Gary Lanthrum