A quick mention that the Buckhorn Fine Art Festival begins soon (Buckhorn is north of Peterborough). There is a nicely-done preview night on Thursday evening, August 11, with a wonderful atmosphere (and great hors d’oeuvres), and full days on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If you appreciate fine art, this is a ‘don’t miss’ — 80 or so of some of the country’s best—further information and directions may be found on my website or Facebook Page Events or on the Buckhorn link above. If you do slip up to the show, please come on by our booth and say hello--
This year, there will be a special section on sculpture entitled 'Sculptural Dimensions', billed as: 'a special feature exhibit showcasing extraordinary sculpture by prominent national and internationally known artists, in a wide range of style, medium and message.'
Hot off the easel, the vintage Canadian sports series has been continued this year.

Basketball oil painting on panel 12" by 21"
prints are also available
Basketball was developed by Canadian physical education instructor James Naismith, in the latter 1800’s. The ball was said to be an asymmetrical rugby-type leather ball, and the sport was intended to be noncontact. (Early players apparently had to be discouraged from tackling each other, however.)
The basket is imagined as it may have looked after that first game.
(I just couldn't resist an ever-so-subtle Made in Canada on the basket.)
I've done a couple more small oil studies of 'County Elgin'.
Pinecroft Potting Studio ____________oil on linen
Study, 8” by 10”
Snowed In _____________________oil on panel
Study, 6” by 10”
As I painted these, I also photographed my progress (dodging out of the way of the camera every 4 minutes or so!) in order to make another time lapse movie.
I've put all three time lapse paintings to date on a split screen beside some completed works. It's about 8 minutes long. The wonderful music was written and performed by Scott Brunelle, a gifted 19 year old from our county (just down the road in fact). I felt that made the music even more appropriate. Enjoy!
The two 2011 newsletters are complete, and uploaded. There should be a link on the right hand side of this page if you scroll down, or access them here and here.
My home show is October 29 & 30 and I'll be sending another e-letter near that time. We are undergoing even more renovation work; there has been much painting (with 'the big brush'), and there is just no telling at what stage our renovations will be.
Hope to see you at Buckhorn!
Happy Trails, Judy
_________________I dare not forget the quotations!
Right-brained quotes for the day:
A painting doesn't have to have a profound meaning. It doesn't have to 'say' a word. We fall in love for simpler reasons. Harley Brown
Art is a game where impotence struts the high road, and capability smiles shyly from the quiet corners. Joe Blodgett
Life is not a support system for the arts. It is the other way around. Stephen King
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