Happy November!
A brief email to share some news—
The Miniature Painters, Gravers and Sculptors Society in Washington DC has given me the great honour of ‘Best in Show’.
Here is the work that I sent down:

The MPSGS is the oldest such Society in North America, the second oldest in the world, and one of the most prestigious. (The news came in late at night, and I admit that I woke everyone up here with my shocked exclamations.) This was the only miniature painting that I had time to submit to the international shows this year, so I am doubly delighted that it did well.
The 80th Annual International Exhibition of Fine Art in Miniature begins with a special invitational showing for collectors this weekend, then runs from Nov. 25, 2013 to Jan. 4, 2014 at The Mansion at Strathmore, Washington DC, which is apparently quite a renowned venue. Although we can’t attend the festivities this time, I have a few dear folks near there who will no doubt be quite wonderful to me again, and send photos and newsclippings. (Here’s the MPSGS site.)
In other news, at long last I’ve been able to upload my website. It had to be redone completely, due to a server change by our provider. It needed a thorough updo anyway. If you’d like to see ‘The Creamery’ in zoom detail, just click here and it should take you there.
I’ll take this opportunity to wish everyone the best of the season, as well!
Cheers! Judy
‘When I die and go to heaven, I want to spend the first million years painting, so I can get to the bottom of the subject.’ Winston Churchill
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